A background image for the top section, a photo of mountains next to a lake, with clouds overhead


Just a fictional/hypothetical app idea.


Employr: Swipe right on resumes.

With Employr, job seekers and posters get a quick look at what the other has to offer, and match via the time-honored method of swiping right and left. If you both swipe right, you can chat and set up an interview!

Tag yourself or your hiring organization with different interests, skills possessed or desired, and then swipe left or right at potential matches for employment. If you both swipe right, message them and set up an interview. Geographic filters allow for hiring in offices, remotely, or for small community organizations and local businesses. Resume previews show only a summary of skills and experiences, so the initial review process is equitable and un-biased, with no HR overhead.

Local small non-profit owner / my neighbor says:

I would definitely use Employr to help for hiring. I run a small non-profit that puts on dance classes for kids in the neighborhood and performs at festivals around Brooklyn. I post online, do a lot of word-of-mouth, and put up flyers when I need to hire for a position or a particular event. I would love to be able to set interests (like "dance, nonprofit, local") and set the range to "5 miles", and find good people committed to the community. Sounds amazing!

Well, it's not amazing yet, because it hasn't been built. But I think it's a cool idea at least.