A background image for the top section, a photo of mountains next to a lake, with clouds overhead

Michael Snook web site

My personal space to jot things down

A cartoon face of the author, Michael

All Posts

Let My Funeral Be Like a Party

A poem written 6th August, 2023

1 year ago

what it is to fly

A poem written 24th July 2023

1 year ago

Writing Something Small

Writing something small can be hard. I don't mean a tweet or a text but a Thing™ of some kind, something that's not a huge piece with a thesis for each section and a table of contents, but still has...

1 year ago

The song of a friend

(A poem from 29th Jan 2023)

1 year ago

Trying something new: NextJS + Supabase

2 years ago

Building MutualAidIndia.com with Gatsby, Airtable & Tailwind

3 years ago

Under the Hood 2.0: Rails, React

3 years ago

Volunteer Project: The Blue Dawn Website

5 years ago

Radiyr: If an RSS Reader Had a Baby with the Radio

5 years ago

Coming Out Again: Bisexual Edition

5 years ago

My mixed feelings about Star Wars: The Last Jedi

6 years ago

On Obamacare, and Priorities

7 years ago

How Democrats Managed to Fuck Up the Gun Control Filibuster

8 years ago

Pramila Jayapal on Seattle's BLM protest at Bernie Sanders Campaign Event

9 years ago


9 years ago

Easy WhatsApp Shares

9 years ago


9 years ago

Snoogle: For When You Totally Came Up With That First

9 years ago

Wanted: Conditional Formatting in Collaborative Text

9 years ago


9 years ago

Under the Hood

10 years ago

The Space Party

10 years ago

Hello World

From the Archives: How I built my first personal website with Jekyll and GitHub Pages

10 years ago